Dear Readers

It seems that we have, sadly, been the unwitting victims of a scam that has been attemped to be played on the wider trading community, being perpetrated under the alias of one “Little Miss Day Trader”.

It has come to our knowledge that the image of the contributor that was supplied to us is a false one, and in fact belongs to a Scandinavian model called Celina Clausen!

With immediate effect, Miss DayTrader’s blogs have been removed from our site and we will be liaising with the appropriate authorities (police and FCA) in the coming days over what looks to be a classic case of indentity theft with the intent to gain credibility via our publication and charge for the investment services “Miss Daytrader” was intending to offer. We hope no parties made any monetary payment towards this system and if they did then please email us ad [email protected] so we can pass the details onto the police.

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Zeen's Automatic Middle Of Content Ad Feature

To be clear, Spreadbet Magazine and its associates has absolutely no commercial or other interest in the paid for service that they are charging for (nor ever has). This publication prides itself on supplying entirely free material to the trading fraternity and is committed to continuing to do so.

I suppose this just re-affirms our ground breaking piece here that few publications would run – http://issuu.com/spreadbetmagazine/docs/spreadbet_mag_v18_generic – that all trading systems are a waste of money. Our motto remains – “them’s that can trade do, and them’s that can’t sell systems!!” WE STAND BY OUR LONG HELD STANCE AND THAT IS WE SAY – DO NOT PAY FOR ANY, I REPEAT, ANY TRADING SYSTEM.

We will update with developments, as one thing is for sure, the use of our publication as a way to gain credence by the now infamous “Miss DayTrader”, does not sit well with us. We will unmask the culprit!